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GoGreen Organic Farm is a small organic farm, we do our best to act as stewards of the land we’re working. For the 2016 season we are growing plants, fruits, vegetables, flowers, and herbs. Our products can be found in restaurants,  the Envato Farmers’ Market, the Forest Farmers’ Market and the WP Community Market.

[wyde_banner banner_style=”4″ image=”12″ link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwydethemes.com%2Fgogreen%2Fmarket%2F|||” title=”Farmer Market” subheading=”You can also find our organic produce on farmer’s market at These Locations! Click >>” heading_color=”#fbb547″ subheading_color=”#ffffff”]
[wyde_banner image=”11″ link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwydethemes.com%2Fgogreen%2Fcafe%2F|||” title=”GoGreen” subheading=”CAFE” bg_color=”#fbb547″]
[wyde_banner image=”13″ link=”url:%23||” title=”FARM
” subheading=”TOURS” bg_color=”#fbb547″]

Thing Love Be with Nature

We are currently accepting new members!

The farm offers three CSA share sizes for week commencing June 1, 2016. Below are examples of what you can expect in your box at different points in the season.